Frequently asked Questions

Will we be posed?

My sessions are NOT a performance, they are a time to be present with your family. We make space for play, space to interact, and create real moments that reflect who your family is in this stage.

How do I start the styling service?

Once you select your date and pay your deposit you will receive an email from me with loads of information and then a few weeks later you will get a link to your styling service.

What location do we use?

After you book, we will pick location together (unless you are a travel or epic views session). I do it this way so we can talk through locations based on the time of year and the current weather. Sometimes things happen like wildfires or really wet springs that impact how locations look by the time we get to your session. I keep an eye on all my locations for this reason, and I am VERY picky about where I shoot so that I am offering you amazing light. Light is my THING. Trust this [:

What time does my session start?

All my sessions are timed around light. Your session start time will be chosen after you pick your location. In good ol’ colorado the sunset depends on how close we are to a mountain peak and which peak the sun is hitting (it changes by time of year) so we cannot set an official start time until we nail down all those details. However, for planning purposes know that all sessions are generally around 1-1.5 hours from sunset.

Is the entire payment due upfront?

No, you pay your retainer and then the remaining balance is due prior to our session together. I also have modified payment plans available where necessary.

Can we plan something unique?

YES! I have a questionnaire that will be sent to you a few weeks after booking and I get a chance to get to know your family and what you’re wanting from your session in there. Then if we need to get really into planning I’ll reach out to you and we will talk through ideas together.

I see you have an associate, what does that mean?

I expanded my team because my calendar was too limited for the number of clients who wanted the Creating This Life experience. She is awesome and knows exactly how I run sessions. She then delivers all RAW files to me, and I handle all editing and all delivery of files.

Do you travel?

Yes, yes, and YES. Send me an inquiry and I will reach out!

I have a child with special needs how can I plan ahead?

Reach out to me and we can talk through all of your concerns and questions. I have worked with many different families with different needs and I am happy to put in the time to make this experience a good one for you. If you have kiddos who struggle with new people or new situations I have also video chatted with some kids ahead of time to get them excited to come play with me and meet me!


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